Fanny Hubby | versión final

traductor:  Caveman1

poema traducido: Dupa nie facet (~Frene_trup_intelektualny) - Moderator: Michał Zabłocki
5.0/5 | 1

Morning dawns wake up from sleep
Hubbies snore in their big beds
Wives around the households creep
With wrong phases in the heads
Hubby changes side in silk
Wanting to sleep more and more
Look! His wife has come with milk
Singing from the bedroom door:
"Tommy cat, my dear cat
Any wishes you may have?
Back massage?How 'bout that?
Or quick shot split up in halve?
Quit with jokes,go back to work
Kids are needed:one, two, three
Nation wants it - do not shirk
Why are you so cross,tell me?"
Hubby clumsy all indeed
Thus replies to his good wife:
"Next time will be done with speed
But today I'm out of life"

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