Seven Kilo of Anger | wersja ostateczna

tłumaczenie:  Caveman1

tłumaczony wiersz: siedem kilo gniewu (~marakuja) - Moderator: Michał Zabłocki
0.0/5 | 0

Prozac, Viagra or calming liqueur
Tell me, Sir, which you prefer
- I am to all those resistant,
I am with my body consistent
Only it's brain which suffers a lot
owing to my wife's talking hot
She complains:too short, too long,
that I smell of booze so strong...
So I believe in no action
Nothing gives her satisfaction
I would like to be muscular,
with tenderness also popular
Even though her dreams I fulfill
I'd hear no praise from her still
So I ask to calm me some booze
Under bed I'll drink it then snooze
and then bloodshed I'll perform:
seven kilo of anger in a storm

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