Black Ed's Last Stunt | wersja ostateczna

tłumaczenie:  Caveman1

tłumaczony wiersz: Ostatnia Gierka Czarnego Edwarda (Wiatr_w_oczy) - Moderator: Michał Zabłocki
0.0/5 | 0

four times I visited the jail
I drink no vodka beer or ale
always clean-shaven and washed well
unlike the brute with an awful smell
I used the library - even
was by some spies madly driven
I learnt some languages that time
but still was rough and full of grime
when I was short time released
I beat many men like a beast
I beat them for their hair styles
tortured them for their weird smiles
I had my hand shake made of steel
used to be called "black Ed' in real
I beat my wife with weapon blunt
got a long sentence for that stunt
now I learn logics in my jail
waiting for results to avail

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