The Dizziness | final version

translator:  Maria Archimandriti

translated poem: Η Ζαλη (μαντιναδα) - Moderator: Maria Archimandriti
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When you feel dizzy and seek support from the hand of someone
Be careful not to be fouled and he is holding a knife knife....

Watch over your back and keep your eyes
Always openand awake when you walk in the road

Because the knife is double-edged and rusty
be careful it is not found rammed in your heart

What if it is dizziness and deceives you
The knife does not care

But if it happens take it off quickly
because his rust there deeply awaits for the death

and this only I will say for you to know
in your life march ahead otherwise you will suffer

However I know the knife is chilly
and has been forgotten in the heart long ago

and thus I walk alone
on my road

with my head down
and a cross on my shoulder

I approach the Calvary with a knife in my heart
And hope greets me tearful from afar.

translation HISTORY: