Video Educational Methodology

Introductory Lecture: The Installation of Multipoetry and its Application in the eMultipoetry Service.

I. The Five Educational Cycles in the Emultipoetry Service:
1. The teaching of writing based on the MELIP (Multilingual European Library of Poetry).
2. The teaching translating based on the MELIP  Library.
3. The teaching independent of independent creative activity and self-education based on the IPOGS (International Poetry Online Games Site). 
4. Directing the creative process in working groups and classes based on CHAT and COMMUNITY areas.
5. The promoting and facilitation of the MELIP (Multilingual European Library of Poetry) Library.

II. The Stratification of Educational Cycles Divided into Lessons
Introductory Lecture. The establishment of Multipoetry and its application in the Emultipoetry Web Service. 

A) The teaching of writing based on the MELIP (Multilingual European Library of Poetry) Library. 
1. The poet’s creating his own user profile as a short presentation and a portfolio of his poetry, as well being able to independently register his works by himself. 
SUPPLEMENT: The teaching of self-presentation in both written and verbal forms. 
2. The inviting of readers to submit their own poetry to the library.
SUPPLEMENT: Why can’t poets exist without readers?
3. The acceptance and taking into consideration of commentary in the creative process.    
SUPPLEMENT: Training on how to be resistant to criticism. 
4. Self-presentation in video films. 
SUPPLEMENT: Training on self-representation in front of the camera, as well as the mobilization of one’s imagination in the creation of films and sound bites for poetry.
5. The search for translators for one’s poetry into other languages. 
SUPPLEMENT: An introduction in the specifics of the whole process of translating, and the translating of poetry into other languages in a rough and then final version. Comments on translations by the authors (poets) and their readers.

B) The teaching of translating based on the MELIP (Multilingual European Library of Poetry) Library.
1. The writing down of translations.
SUPPLEMENT: The specifics of translating poetry.
2. The acceptance of comments and the invitation to make comments.
SUPPLEMENT: Commenting on other translations, commentary as a tool to correct translations in process.
3. The taking into consideration of comments and the writing of successive versions.
SUPPLEMENT: Working on a text
4. Consultation between translator-author-native speaker in chat rooms. 
SUPPLEMENT: The function of consultation in the translation process, and the role of     native-speakers in editing translations.
5. Wrapping-up the final version
SUPPLEMENT: Responsibility for the fidelity of the translation to the original, as well as the originality of the translation itself.

C) The teaching of writing based on the IPOGS (International Poetry Online Games Site):
1. The teaching of writing poetry using any space available – i.e. walls
SUPPLEMENT: The reading of diverse forms of poetry on walls with the aid of projectors and methods used until now.
2. The teaching of how to write poetry in situations where time is limited (Freestyle) 
SUPPLEMENT: The teaching of concentration and the mobilization of poetic imagination.  
3. The teaching of writing the lyrics to music (songs)
SUPPLEMENT: Examples of literary songs and the theory of poetry in the realm of songs.

D) The directing of the creative process in working groups and classes.
1. Group writing of poetry in chat rooms.
SUPPLEMENT: Collage as an art, different genres of art working together (an analogy to the fine arts, architecture, urban planning, and the film arts).
2. Establishment and directing of classes and educational groups in a social applet.
SUPPLEMENT: Questions of self-discipline and work done using the Internet
3. The conducting of direct correspondence between teachers and students.
SUPPLEMENT: Questions related to an individual, independent study program.

E) promoting and facilitating readership based on the Multilingual European Library of     Poetry (MELIP)
1. We read and create our own libraries of our favorite poetry
SUPPLEMENT: The strategy of developing a personality through readership
2. The creation of a reader profile
SUPPLEMENT: Why can’t poets exist without readers?
3. The search for poetry according to languages and keys
SUPPLEMENT: Other Internet libraries and questions related to readership on the Internet.
4. The construction of a library of one’s favorite poetry.
SUPPLEMENT : How libraries are constructed
5. An analysis and commentary on the poetry of other users, as well as their opinion SUPPLEMENT: The teaching of writing short commentaries and mini-reviews. The culture of commenting on someone else poetry. The responsibility that accompanies criticism. 


I. Strategic foundations:

1. Communication objectives:
  • promotion of the knowledge about the project (building project awareness)
  • finding text authors – project participants
  • finding partners – chat moderators, co-organisers of the project
2. Target group:
  • people interested in poetry, writing their own texts
  • active internet users, including participation in social media
  • open to modern, interactive forms of promotion (internet, multimedia tools)
  • willing to act collectively – common production and common promotion
  • open to international cooperation
  • no age restrictions but mainly young people (students, people below 35 years old – main private non-professional social media users)

II. Promotional activities proposition:

1. Communication channels:
All activities are based on the communication via internet with reference to the official     project site The main channel used for reaching people potentially interested in cooperation consists in writing thematical blogs on social portals. The following blogs have been created:

Among other options to be used there is a possibility of discussion on forums or thematic groups created by other users on the above mentioned social portals as well as a direct communication with authors of different blogs that concern poetry.

2. Actions and content:
The promotional activities use the communication channels mentioned above to spread information from the following main groups of subjects:
  • past and current development of the project in Poland and in Europe
  • potential development of the project (description of the main project characteristics, possible directions of the project’s development, openness to different new ideas)
  • current activities – searching for people interested in participating in the project, invitation to planned actions with defined terms
Activity within own blogs:
  • all blogs are written at the same time and in the starting phase the information published there are also the same (bloggers from one portal rarely have blogs on other portals so they are not receive the same information twice or more, and at the same time they should not omit any of the published information). If the activity of readers of one of the blogs suggests their interest in a given aspect of the project, the next published information is worth profiling to better answer and maintain the interest, even though the publication plan for other blogs might not be conserved
  • new information should be published on average every 2 days
  • articles’ content (chosen from the main groups of subjects) should be interspersed – stronger differentiation awakes readers’ interest
  • if possible, articles should be illustrated with photos, contain links to examples of the use of multipoetry in different countries (interactive form showing an alive project in a phase of an intense development, e.g. “Czeslaw sings” on myspace or youtube, texts from chats in different languages, photos of poems on house walls)
Activity on forums and in thematical groups:
  • participation in discussions on forums and in groups will allow to attract other users’ attention to multipoetry own blogs and redirect the traffic to these blogs
  • choice of subjects – poetry, litterature, own artistic production, interactive forms of promotion of the art, multimedia as art material
  • published posts should not concentrate only on the subject of multipoetry so that they were not interpreted as an insolent autopromotion of the blog – concentration of the dialog on the interlocutor (e.g. giving opinions on productions of other users, encouraging them to continue their activity, maintaining the discussion by asking questions)
Direct communication with other users:
  • the direct communications should have an individual and personalized character – it should relate to defined areas of interest of the given user, maintain and develop his interest, answer his questions, make specified propositions of cooperation
  • contact with chosen people who through their statements or activities (visits to the blog, number of page views of the following articles) have shown their interest to the project
  • contact with respected people whose opinions are appreciated and who are especially active on forums and in thematic groups
  • contact with authors of blogs with interesting and valuable content
Additional actions:
  • creation of an article on eMultipoetry on the wikipedia

III. Estimated effects of the promotional activities:

The short term objective of the described activities is to find through each of the mentioned portals at least 4-5 people constantly interested in cooperation, which gives a total number of 16-20 people. This group should contain as well candidates to co-create poems and to moderate chats.
In case of a long term activity on the blogs, not only the own ones but also those managed by the cooperating users, it is possible to increase the number of valuable candidates and to build and maintain the project awareness among users.