The golden-red rose of Love | final version

translator:  Maria Archimandriti

translated poem: Το χρυσοκόκκινο ρόδο του Ερωτα - Moderator:Maria Archimandriti
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The golden-red rose of love was lost into the snow
and although delicate and frail
your colour indicates
the erstwhile glory of your purple…
But your thorns rescue you...
you wait for the appearance of a sunbeam
but the sun fell asleep in the quilt of the stars
and you lay breathless to gasp for a little colour yet
... a little pain still...
unfolding your petals full of love...
ready to respond again to any inkling of sun…
hoping that this will be the absolute…
the last..
Gushing forth eternally love…
But love does not exist, it is an illusion
it is a lost golden-red dream surrounded by snow...

translation HISTORY: