Love Affairs of the Love-struck Hedgehog | final version

translator:  Caveman1

translated poem: Miłosne przypadki zakochanego jeża (elgirasol) - Moderator: Michał Zabłocki
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two ends belong to each hedgehog
one top, one bottom, that's it
you couldn't tell it from a dog
provided a dog stuck, not bit

it sticks your eyes, bites your nose
making all nice advances
yet hedgehog's fate is at loss
it is no good for romances

but one little thing life can bring
though often it is made fun of:
a hedgehog has a priceless thing
and it can use it without glove

it is HTC telephone
having inside a GPS
so call it, make yourself known
it'll find you like a dog, yes!

translation HISTORY: