

eMultipoetry is an educational poetry project realised as part of the European Union’s Grundtvig Programme. The project is run by cultural institutions in Poland, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and Greece.

As part of the programme we are creating a new multi-language international online space for poetry. And not only for “high” and recognised poetry. We enable our users to systematically write and translate poems at the level they are actually at with opportunities to improve their own abilities and making international contacts and exchanges.

The project is aimed both at individual users of any age and those who run creative writing and translation courses.

Using our tools you can set up your own profiles, publish poems, translate them, comment on and evaluate the work of others, write poems in specially-constructed online games, and create group poems online under the supervision of moderators on specially-created chats. Interest groups can also be set up, as well as closed student groups who can improve their writing technique in various forms of poetry and prose under the supervision of lecturers.

In the near future further languages and online games will be added. Come and join the service!

eMULTIPOETRY official description:

The project proposes a theoretical and practical framework for providing a co-operative Language Life Long Learning ICT methodology to teachers, educational institutions and to policy makers. The aim is to bring results of an integrated research and teaching programmes on the local, national and international scale, integrate and develop the existing curricula for the training of teachers and translators in the full range of multimedia innovative ICT methodology addressing the needs of Europe's new cultural situation. The project aims to design a techno-pedagogical environment for extending knowledge on languages and modern poetry, by co-operative translating, composing and international multimedia presentations of translated poems.

The outcomes will offer ICT tools ready to be used by European schools based on an innovative educational method developed by international team of language experts. They will consider the existing methods as well as conclusions drawn from application of screening tools used at consecutive stages of project evaluation (statistic, surveys) Consequently, the project creates a European digital library of poems with collection of modern poetry built up on poems created as a result of an international cooperation as well as using resources of European libraries and visual archives supplied by cooperating television stations. In its broad sense the project attempts to inspire Europeans towards extending their language skills by way of international communication and exchange with application of innovative multimedia and ICT methodology. In order to assure a wide popularization it includes application of innovative form that multimedia and Internet offers (music, images, data defined pieces of poetry- Cyber Literature) The project produces and broadcasts documentary film and develops poetry translation video games that allow a wide dissemination and make attractive products available to those with limited access to Internet.


Emultipoetry creators:

Michał Zabłocki (assumptions, scenarios, supervision) originator of Emultipoetry 

Wioletta Sośniak (production, supervision and implementation) director, producer and performer of the project eMultipoetry

Stanisław Iwan (functional design of the site) 
Mariusz Turek (programist of the web site)

Bartek Kulas (Web site design, animation, computer games) artist, animator and cartoon director

Dominik Kwasniewski (music in online games) composer, singer

Patrycja Rodzinska (co-screenwriter and producer of computer games)
Przemysław Szary (game programmer)


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.