The crowd (song)

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I’d like to know what you see when you look at the screen while watching tv
I can touch you but I can’t feel you, I’m afraid you’d crumble if I hugged you
I’d like to know who you see when you look at me
Do you ever really look at me?
My letters are in the clouds, above the ocean

Do you know who you are for yourself
Do you know who you are for me?
Do you care?
How much of you is alive my dear? How much is gone?
How much is to be born?
How much of me will die today how much you will take?
How much give?
And if so..
How much is it???????
And if so
Would it be enough to make even?

What good wind brings you here, poor thing?
Do you know who you are for yourself
Do you know who you are for me?
Do you care?
How much of you is alive my dear? How much is gone?
How much is to be born?
How much of me will die today how much you will take?
How much give?
And if so
Would it be enough to make even?

I’m here right now and I’m there right now
I’m not my former self any more
I’m not the one you’ll meet tomorrow
I see myself as a crowd surrounding us
I don’t know who I am for you
I don’t know who I am for myself
I don’t’ know if I care any more
I just hope I do……


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