The Ultimate Reality

autor:  mahengonsal
5.0/5 | 1

Our Feelings colour our perceptions
Perceptions rely on received information
Information is channelled through sensory gateways,
and motor ones,
and stored memories too.
The final reality as we perceive is our interpretation
of information through our brain or mind/brain

What is really “real” will forever be a mystery.
The information we receive and base our perceptions on
may take so much time to reach us
that the “now” as we see, such as a Star
could have happened light years ago
Or, where our “now” is no longer occupied by
the original source of information,
as it has ceased to exist,
such as a Star that died long ago
what you “see” does not even exist!

In the same way, depending on the distance
What we “see” is not the current state
It would be some time back when the information left it
With the time measurement
being very close to “now” for close objects
and further and further away for more distant ones.
The “now” is always in the past.

Furthermore, what we “see.”
is just how our brains interpret the received information
using our stored knowledge which spans not just our lives
but countless ones in the history of our cultural community
which affects Our emotions and feelings
when dealing with information
To this, add our feelings on our anticipated future
And “reality” will be more and more interpretive,
and its true nature will elude us

This does not mean that everything is hallucinatory
Without “objects,” there won’t be information
But the interpretation of reality based on this information
will be variable, individual, and continuously changing
Man has mastered so many ways of passing information to brains
He can send information which could be interpreted as Real
because the final perception
on whether the information emanated from a real object
or from a source of man-made energy impulses
which simulate the “real” information,
is something that we may not be able to distinguish
purely by our perceptive conclusions

Hence the belief by some Scientists
that we are just living in a computer simulation
But I maintain that there is a Reality
But its true nature will elude us because of our reliance on our Brains
But there are some sages, mainly from the East
who posit that there is a separate Mind (consciousness)
Distinct from the “Embodied Mind” or “Mind/Brain unity”
Which can perceive the Ultimate Reality through deep introspection
The illusory curtains can be parted and True Reality can be seen and experienced

Who knows!


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