I am a person who is positive about every aspect of life. There are many things I like to do, to see, and to experience.
- niego | 18.03.2012
- (IPOGS, Freestyle)... | 18.03.2012
- WORDCROSS (nie mylić... | 16.03.2012
- pod zachodem | 15.03.2012
- (IPOGS, Freestyle)... | 12.03.2012
- (IPOGS, Walls)... | 12.03.2012
- pamięci mojego taty | 11.03.2012
- (IPOGS, Walls) nie... | 11.03.2012
- (IPOGS, Freestyle)... | 11.03.2012
- NEW poem title | 15.03.2012
- NEW poem title | 15.03.2012
- ... | 15.03.2012
- ... | 11.03.2012
- Wczoraj odkryłem... | 16.02.2012
- The overweight | 16.02.2012