Tell You Why I Do Like Mondays ( a paraphrase of an old song)

author:  Caveman1
5.0/5 | 3

The poetry chip inside my head
Gets switched to „wanting more”
So every Monday my links are sped
To English E-poetry door
My workmates do not understand that
They always say:”Write for gold”
And they can see no reason
Cos there is no reason
What reason do you need to be shown
Tell you why I do like Mondays
Tell you why
I do like Mondays
I want to write
The whole night down

The trance of translation is so nice
And there are Mahen,Michał and Zoola
All think poetry-wise, all devise
Nothing could be so cooooler
My chatmates do understand that
They don't ask me to write for gold
And they can see some reasons
Cos there ARE some reasons
Those reasons are as hills old
Tell you why I do like Mondays...


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My rating

My rating:  
06.12.2010,  zoola

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My rating:  
19.11.2010,  mahengonsal