
author:  mahengonsal
5.0/5 | 3

He woke up and rubbed his eyes
Where was he
What’s going on
It was misty and gloomy
He groped for his flashlight and shone it
He saw a wall of deep curved canals
Banks of brown, red, yellow mounds
Black pits and massive flakes
A slithery changing, glistening path
Slowly moving upwards
The scene kept dimming and brightening
Pulsating, in tune with the howling, swirling mist
He was perplexed and frightened
He began to go back
Step at a time,
All the time shining the torch ahead
The scene kept changing
It was still pulsating with the mist
Now here, now gone
He went further and further back
The wall became narrower
The curves and mounds smaller
Suddenly it all became clear
He was looking at the bark of a big tree
A snake slithering upwards slowly
To make sense sometimes
Getting closer only makes it more confusing
Stand back and survey
Enlightening clarity could strike


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28.01.2013,  smg

Moja ocena

Good :)
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