
author:  mahengonsal
5.0/5 | 3

Wonder what it is about her?
The hair that flowed and shimmered
Like a gentle stream in the moonlight
The words so musical, so soft, so rich
The toss of her head as she cleared her gaze

Wonder what it is about her?
The graceful carriage of a leopardess
The long and slender legs, so smooth yet firm
The voluptuous curves
The hint of arrogance

Wonder what it is about her?
The tender look as she stroked the distressed dog
Infinite patience and care
The face, kind and comforting like soothing balm
The tears that formed like dew drops on grass

Wonder what it is about her?
I knew then
I know now
She loved me
And I loved her.


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20.12.2015,  pepperpot

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