My beloved Mum

author:  mahengonsal
5.0/5 | 1

She brought me to this World
Nurtured me from boy to man
Glowed with pride as I did unfold
Hone me, love me, my biggest fan
Her love knew no bounds, I was part of her after all
She knew one day, she would receive the call

Happiness now turns to grief,
But the life she brought, she would have said it loud
Will grow and prosper and she would be so proud
Adding new strength to her belief
That her joy and her sorrow
gave her child a bright tomorrow

Nothing is permanent
Change is the Universal law indeed
But we hold memories that last
They cannot be taken away although past
I love you Mum and always did
May you forever, Rest in Peace.

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Thanks a lot. I am glad I touched your feelings too. We all have to face this one day if we haven't already
02.07.2010,  mahengonsal

To Mahen

Dear M., I can understand (and appreciate) the poem and the Poet - my Mum also Rests in Peace
01.07.2010,  Caveman1