I met him | version: 25.08.2016 00:27

5.0/5 | 2

I met him half way up the stairs
I gazed
I stared
But he said don’t be scared
He smiled his warmest smile
And I said hi

He smiled his warmest smile
And I cried

His scars were real
His scars were healed

I met him half way up the stairs
The night was calm
The night was dark

Yet he was bright
Bright like the brightest light

I met him half way up the stairs
He hugged me tight
and whispered
Don’t be sad

I was not sad
I was not mad
I hugged him though I knew he was dead

it was his light
that made it light

it was a starry night
it was a starry night

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25.08.2016,  mahengonsal