Forgive-me-Anne | Definitive Version

Übersetzer:  Caveman1

translated poem: Przebaczanka (skup_palet) - Moderator: Michał Zabłocki
0.0/5 | 0

Forgive me, Anne
- they were just words,not more
Hint with no ban
- don't worry,it is of yore
That newspaper
has no value for me
5 p scrap, er...
with legal ads to see
Who can read that
besides your daddy
- an old manx cat,
subscriber of this "addy"
Critical stage
- but you'll survive, see
Tomorrow's page
will contain a dementi:

was:""leave" should be:"love"
was:"nigh" should be:"sigh"
was:"lonely one" should be:"only one"
was:"Hanne" should be:"Anne"
Forgive-me-Anne this lot

translation HISTORY: