Do not Read This For Too Long

autor:  Marceli Frank
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This world is worth the money
Earned the organ newborn
White powder chemical magic
Youth on CPAN close the dark labyrinth
Stuck a knife in the stomach a friend!
This means our yours - and my ..
Do not look God in the face of a state of feeling shame
I kneel for you - for yourself - for humanity ....
While I'm stuck at the end of the world
At the bottom of the silence - a modest living
Biting Hard heel of bread I think of poorer
So my personality is built
The fragile bricks and supports bad stigma
Too much gold too little time to carve the word ...

This world is worth the money
Earned on tax brothel
This means our yours - and my .....
I walk into the house of God hidden under the benches
God, I feel the fear and crying
Explaining myself is not my fault - not mine action
Although I am a man like you ...
In captivity, the good work he feels like the walls are narrow
Soul in the words you feed yourself the truth
The cry of loved ones and the lack of acceptance
I feed only their need ...
Chefs consideration in the paper and line
Stirring pen - spice openness

This world is worth the money
Earned the theft of the sacred symbols of the Church
This means our yours - and my ...
It is worth waiting for publishers to profit from poetry
I blurred hands in the name of Mammon
Why does one grain of wheat planted
In the fields of hectares of cereal ..
Is it enough to other bread
For the traveler carrying a familiar word in deed ..
At point blank table food poverty
Transmission line stroking the ear melody

This world is worth the money
Afghanistan earned the boy's blood
More expensive than rapa - seed luciferase
This means our yours - and my ...
To justify holding the line for the Creator
Encoded in the mind is in the soul ...
It's my night's sleep, confident
Sure in the belief that the Lord's grace is not limited ....