Dear Septimus | work in progress

translator:  Caveman1

translated poem: Drogi Septymusie -  Michał Zabłocki
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I write to you in private as I know I won't be put off by you
Imagine the fact which occurred recently
You know my life well, no need to remind you old times
Travelling from province to province in Emperor's service
Matter of fact I remained alone
After my marriage in Rome - which you remember well - I left
The reason was that Claudia Tarquini did not want to leave court
for me
So I demanded a divorce and obtained it
It seemed to me that it was an illness of civilized women
And that outside Rome I would find a faithful life companion
But it was always the same:
When I had met someone I had to go further on
And women had always something more important:
A family, a last will or their own gods they did not want to leave
Each time - disappointed - I struggled alone
Finally I lost hopes to find a positive solution
The world is ill, dear Septimus,
You are not the person to be convinced about it
Now mind you - what happened recently
Our ships landed in Phillipi
As it is an Italian colony I felt I were in Rome
Soon I received post from all corners of the world
Imagine my astonishment when I opened seven long letters
All from women of different provinces
Including that kind-hearted Tarquini
All using different words expressing the same sense:
We are ready to follow you
What do you make of it, Septimus dear?
Please do not reply in the style:
Give an answer to each woman to come and yourself escape to Northern Gallia
Though it should be done like this, it seems

translation HISTORY:



Looks really nice. :-)