Thousand Dreams of Imagination (corrected) | versión final

traductor:  Jan Nowak1998

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a thousand dreams of imagination
is as nothing against the dream of reality
I'm lying
surrounded from all sides
by chromatic illusions
where I am
and what I'm stuck in
resolutions keel over in a second
and in the next
the new ones are born
a distorted mirror of the mind 
reflects that
what never will be
Brawn of dreams amply stuffed
with breakout of that which surrounds me
I'm losing breath
I'm losing the rhythm of a proper breath in favor of yet another cigarette
this one
the last
it's the last one
With each and every day
further away - deeper down
into some sort of a pit
of deranged thoughts
less and less light
I do not know anymore
if God has turned away from me
or if it's one of those hard trials
he has put me through?
less and less light in my
everyday life
arranges itself in a way
that makes me constantly doubt
the existence
of happiness and joy
happiness and joy
are feelings
the same as the feeling
of filth I sleep in
a chill engulfing me at night
and rain
a shiver of mugginess penetrating my clothes
that is only a fraction of misfortunes
what else lies ahead

Less and less light,
more and more illusions

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Last sentence missing

My sincerest apologies for not including the last sentence in the previous translation. Since the previous was the final translation, I had to resubmit the one above. I am so very sorry for the inconvenience.


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