An Act of kindness

Autor:  mahengonsal
0.0/5 | 0

She looked old, frail and bewildered
As in the supermarket she meandered
Pushing a trolley almost her size
Gathering items peering at the price
Hesitating and deliberating on a jar
Placing back on shelf or in trolley, stack
A young man observes her from far
He's moved, wanted to help but held back,
What if she got angry, cause scare

He buys a bouquet of freshly cut flowers
Approaches her carefully and to her he offers
“It's my birthday, will you celebrate with me?
You’ll make me happy by accepting you see”
She stares at him, bewildered and flustered
Then she smiles, takes the flowers offered
“Why, thank you sir, enjoy your day”
A smile lights up his face, as he walks away
It wasn’t his birthday, but does it matter anyway

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