Universal truth

Autor:  mahengonsal
5.0/5 | 2

A person, a self, an aware being,
Smaller than a pin head in an ocean
The ocean itself
a pin head in a vast Universe
Universal Insignificance
yet of personal significance

Happy or not, in pain or not,
Is all a matter of central sensation
Sensation is individual,
Nothing is absolute
The sensory experience intensity
can vary in and within persons
with the same stimulus and circumstances

Why waste time, money and energy
Trying to intensify and vary the stimulus
In the hope of a greater sensory experience
Is it not better to change the reaction?
rather than the stimulus?
And be similarly or more content
with less futile investment.
Is this the secret of happiness?
What is happiness?
Just a state of mind
What is mind?
Just a conscious awareness


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Many thanks

So glad you like it Anita


Absolutely amazing! I like it :)
29.01.2013,  smg

Meine Bewertung

Meine Bewertung:  
29.01.2013,  smg