Judging From What I Was Told | final version

translator:  Caveman1

translated poem: z tego co mi powiedziano (skup_palet) - Moderator: Michał Zabłocki
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Judging from what I was told
It's not grass but hay in fold
Seems to be the smarty smart
So I take it from the start
It gives buzzing in my head
Lose my mind because of that
Morning seems to be hard time
Head is lost,it works part-time
I collect my scattered thoughts
But they are all nils and naughts
Unless I catch them on time
(It is of importance - prime!)
They will vanish with sorrow
In any rotten borough
So the time can't be nice spent
In the Carnival or Lent
Quit with fun as I am broke
And hay no more will I smoke

translation HISTORY: