Fall | version: 20.10.2021 22:16

author: Jan Nowak1998
5.0/5 | 4

I have fallen for you
Even before you knew me
Still embraced by a landscape of dream
Swaddled in your woolen sweater
Stirring on the bed of tiny shells.

after wedding vows were exchanged
during edible-musical feast
You fell hard
"off" and not "for" though
Still unruffled,
springing back like a gymnast
You kept gracefully giving directions.

My heart leaped then, to you,
bursting open
only wanting to hold you forever

At that moment
I lost all my shame
Nothing else mattered to me anymore

only you

And I couldn't let go

I couldn't let you go

I just couldn't.


Being too busy with all the falling

I catastrophically fell ( pun intended)
To see

That you have never even felt
or cared to fall for me.

Poem versions


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21.10.2021,  Ravenwood

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