The lass at Loch Lomond

auteur:  mahengonsal
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A vast expanse of glistening silvery ripples
on a watery mirror reflecting clouds above.
Serene clouds moving slowly, gracefully
no need to rush, peace and harmony.
A fluffy roof of a multitude of bright colours
set in a clear blue endless sky.
Majestic spread of distant mountains
dark and mysterious in front,
lighter and lighter as they recede into the distance.
Flocks of chirpy birds flying in formation
many acting as one, perfect understanding,
diving into the water and rising again.
Now and again, the sound of slurping water
tasting the shores of the Loch.
Nature’s beauty stretching as far as eye can see

There on the shore stands
a lone and pensive lass gazing, unseeing.
Her hair locks floating back in joyful waves,
her dress fluttering back in empathy
while embracing her graceful body.
Her arms folded tenaciously,
her eyes half shut, facing the cool breeze.
Immersed in the sound of the rushing wind
louder and softer, louder and softer.
A hint of a smile adorns her lovely face
She must have happy thoughts
Only she knows who it was
that tormented her fragile soul
As turmoil turned to calm
In this peaceful haven, this gracious Loch.


Oh, to be in Scotland!

By yon bonnie banks/and by yon bonnie braes/where the sun shines on Loch Lomond
We can see that bonnie lass/want to spend there many days/On the banks of Loch Lomond
04.10.2010,  Caveman1