The horrors of war

author:  mahengonsal
5.0/5 | 2

She looked over her shoulder
Looking everywhere desperately
There were people everywhere
They were all running
Some were crying
All were frightened
Keep running
Keep going

She held on tightly to her little hand
Running all the time
Everybody was running
Sounds of gun fire
Screaming and crying
Swearing and shouting
Pushing her way through
Where is she ?
Where is my little daughter
Just a moment ago she was here
Clinging to my skirt
Eyes wide with fear
Crying and sobbing
Now she is gone
What am I to do ?

I am lost
We are all lost
They are catching up
We must run faster
Run where ?
Just anywhere
Must get away from this madness
There is so much sadness
Keep running
Keep going
Can’t stop now
I don’t want to die
My children need me
Keep running
Keep going


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08.08.2016,  Caveman1

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