My little angel is born

author:  mahengonsal
5.0/5 | 1

Where the blue mountains
look up to the sky
Where the snow flowers
look so shy
Where the sunshine
sends a soft warm glow
My little angel is born

I cannot see him
I cannot touch him
He's too far away
But my heart is there
My soul is there
with prayers every day

I see the sweet dreams
of cradling him
I sing the lullabies
to soothe him
A day will come
when my dreams come true
It's a miracle
It's a miracle

This poem was written by a close friend who is about to go to Switzerland to see her first born grandchild as the parents live there. She is aching to see the child and these are her thoughts.


Thanks @Magda

Glad you like it. I hope you could translate to Polish
22.11.2015,  mahengonsal

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