Only if you allow

Autor:  mahengonsal
5.0/5 | 3

Words could hurt you
But only if you allow
Just as water makes you wet
Only if your clothes absorb

A torch light shone on you
Can illuminate you as a target
But you could reflect it instead
And light up the torchbearer

Anger is the fire
That consumes the owner
More than those directed
No winners, all losers

Hate is the cancer
That kills you slowly
Bitterness is the rust
That eats away your soul

Nothing harms the person
Who doesn’t react, remains calm
Just like a sturdy rock
Stands unshaken in a storm

You have the power
You need to be in control
Events could hurt you
But only if you allow

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beautiful, true, stunning!!!

@ Tomek Nowacki


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Moja ocena

we are so strong
as strong is our will
and only an empty bucket
could be snatched by the wind.
But not you,
Because you dream.
You've filled yourself by dreams
more and more and still
It gives you the power
Your poems are so real.

If you allow me to say, "Only if you allow" is beautyful poem. Well-advised sentences, hard like the piece of iron and soft like the silk frill.:)
Best regards!
Meine Bewertung:  

only if...

my sentiments exactly ;)
24.03.2011,  zoola