My Date

Autor:  mahengonsal
5.0/5 | 3

I woke up in bed
I sat up and stared ahead
I glanced at the phone
I reached for it
but then withdrew a bit
I started sweating
My pulse was racing
I reached again
I dialed her number
It rang and it rang
I sweated even more
my heart pounding

Then it was answered, phew!
It was her voice I knew
A smile came upon me
She was smiling too
I couldn’t see her
yet, I saw her
I spoke hesitantly
She listened patiently
Would you join me for dinner tonight
The words came out in a stutter
I started sweating thinking of her
My head felt light and wooly
Then came her answer, sweetly
I would love to, she said
I smiled, felt happy, relieved
I thanked her repeatedly
I said I would call for her
She said that would be lovely

I put the phone down
I sat there, still as a statue
Staring but not seeing
A smile on my face
I saw her and felt her presence
My pulse stopped racing
Calm returned to my breathing
A soothing warmth came over me
I drifted in and out of sleep
into a World of happy dreams

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09.08.2011,  zoola