La Tarara (letra de cancion popular recuperada y recogida por Lorca)

author: Canción popular
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La Tarara, sí
la Tarara no;
la Tarara, niña,
que la he visto yo.

Lleva la Tarara
un vestido verde
lleno de volantes
y de cascabeles.

La Tarara, sí;
la tarara, no;
la Tarara, niña,
que la he visto yo.


Spanish song on eMultipoetry game

That is one of the Songs avalaible to create your own lyrics in the Game of this site.
Two particularities:
- Federico García Lorca recovered the lyrics of the popular tradition and write the scores for piano and guitar.
- He created also some new verses for the song (you can find both versions as separate poems)
Conclusion: You can create your own work from a popular song: PLAY WITH US!!!
29.09.2010,  Spain