A Dark Secret

author:  mahengonsal
5.0/5 | 1

Not a day passes when she isn't there
oblivious to many who stand and stare
Sad tearful eyes heavily drooped
a lonely figure, slightly stooped
Is it the burden she does silently bear?
A dark secret that she cannot share?

Silvery streaks from eyes to cheeks
Tears not finding whatever it seeks
run down her pale beautiful face
as she leans forward in a daze
She touches the gravestone gently
laying a posy of roses so tenderly

A man stands in the shadows, unknown
He seems tormented, a look of grief worn
He stares, shakes his head, hesitant
To be with her, a step forward imminent?
Changes mind, pauses with a long sigh
Walks away slowly with head held high


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