Meditation- Part 1

author:  mahengonsal
5.0/5 | 2

I am meditating
I am thinking
I am thinking that I am thinking
I must try and concentrate
I must be aware that I am concentrating
Too much "I" how about non-self?
Must not try too hard to stop my mind wandering
Try and observe myself as an outsider
my foot is itching
my nose is itching
Did I switch off the gas cooker
must load the dishwasher
I must attend to that noise in the car
Is that the neighbour's dog barking
We used to have a dog
I prefer dogs to cats
My back is hurting
Must focus my attention on my back
I shouldn't have been rude over the phone
He did ask for it!
But being kind is better
So many nuisance calls
What am I doing next week
Will it hurt when I visit the dentist
He is a nice man
Lovely receptionist
Must write that letter
Look at the emails first
So much spam mails these days
Am I spending too much time on the Net
Another week has gone
think of the present moment
observe the present moment
How much longer will I live
Must not waste that time
Use the present moment
Past is gone, future yet to come
Wonder what's on Telly
Is Tiger Woods playing
Looks like he is making a comeback
My swing needs attention
Hope I can play next week
It is very cold and frosty
There we go again!
Back to meditation
I am aware and focused
It is so hard to keep the mind still
Flitting butterflies
Changing clouds
Changing moods
My knee is hurting
Must straighten my leg
Will I ever succeed in meditation
What is the real reason why I want to meditate
Let it go says Ajahn Brahm
I like his talks
May be I should go to Perth to meet him
The live broadcasts from Perth are very good
My hips are hurting
Will my joints get worse
Will I lose my independence
Am I a Buddhist because I was born one
Jesus must have been a very good person
I am feeling hungry
Must not eat too many crisps
I feel like drinking some fruit juice
must eat more vegetables
write a reminder for repeat prescription
Good thing I am retired
Wonder how my friends are
back to meditation
This is not easy!
must be aware that I am meditating
must not try too hard
I am thinking
I am thinking that I am thinking
I am aware that I am thinking that I am thinking

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18.03.2012,  zoola