Dream or Near death?

author:  mahengonsal
5.0/5 | 1

I am alone as I walk
quite misty though not dark
Crunching of dried dead leaves
crackling of twigs trapped beneath
Melodious sound of birds chirping
cheerfully indulging in messaging
Now and again a squirrel scurries away
another on hind legs looks ready to pray
nibbling a berry held up in little paws
saucer eyes and jerky moves as it gnaws
I seem to be going nowhere
What oh what am I doing here?

Darkness envelopes me as I jump over a hedge
I keep walking till I approach an edge
there is nowhere further to go, should I go back?
only a wide chasm so deep its black
Wait! l see a wondrous sight in a haze
An eerie incandescent glow stretching to endless space
flickering stars in whirling celestial clouds
bright beams of light crisscross in crowds
I hear a deep and distant growling rumble.
becoming louder, and fear makes me tremble

I couldn't stop walking, over the edge I race
free falling and tumbling and spinning in space
my heart in my mouth, a light empty feeling
glorious colours and shapes around me circling
thousands of faces keep gazing at me
Appear and disappear, that's what I see
I fall and I fall, gripped by raw fear
nothing to hold, nothing to steer
I look down as a blanket of clouds appear
and in a flash right into them I disappear

I am blinded by a glittering brightness
try closing my eyes but couldn't, my goodness
Now I am gently floating in ethereal space
not a care in the World, out of the race
A sense of supreme calmness as in a dream
I make a soft landing by a flowing stream
with the purest water just gushing through
so beautiful you wouldn't believe its true
I follow the stream which seems endless
Tall trees with bright green leaves restless
I am in the middle of a vast rain forest
brown stilts supporting a leafy green quilt

I begin to climb now to quite a height
serene and beautiful not a soul in sight
I keep climbing and reach a meadow
I am alone but I sense a shadow
I see me floating above me believe it or not
I should be scared but somehow I am not
I think this is not possible as I peer
How can that be me when I am down here
I look at me above me and wonder how
I am in a spin, must stay calm somehow

Suddenly all gets sucked in, to a giant whirlpool
trees, water, rocks, nothing spared, no rule
It becomes darker and darker therein
everything in an uncontrollable spin
I see images both beautiful and loathsome
a thunderous bang explodes in my eardrums
faces and memories stream at me relentlessly
I let out a scream and convulse most frightfully
I am awake again sweating with pulse racing
Am I back from the dead or was I just dreaming.


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