A Man of Honour

author:  mahengonsal
5.0/5 | 2

I came home and it was dark
wanted to come before, but couldn't
the trudge home my longest walk
two kids sound asleep, angels silent

My life, my wife by their side
Huddled together so touching
Unspoiled, radiant my joy, my pride
Innocent, serene and dreaming

Enough food for one more day
Lost my job, fired, "leave now"
What am I going to say?
Impossible situ, had a big row

How could I be a part of a deception?
I have my honour, my pride
Should I lie and deceive was the question
To agree meant with them to side

Save us,they said, your Company,
Forget your blasted principles
Don't you owe it to so many?
They pleaded at several decibels

To lead a life being haunted
By thoughts I couldn't live with
Far better to starve than submit
But what do I feed my kids with?

What about my dear sweet wife?
All she desires is for her kids I know
Anguish pierces my heart like a knife
I do care so much and love them so

Those school shirts for my sons,
the books to read and learn,
money for the bus and buns
Two mouths to feed, I need to earn

Yes, I need the money truly
But I do have my pride
Tonight it will hurt badly
A grown up man who cried

Tomorrow I declare I shall find
A new job, a new start, it won't be sour
Some day my kids will state with pride
Our Dad, he was for sure, a Man of Honour


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