Feline and Canine

author:  mahengonsal
5.0/5 | 1

I am a cat fully feline,
and proud to be one
And that's a dog sadly canine,
and I admit, I just shun
No match for me, shame!
The queen and the knave

Look at him, the silly git
at thieves he goes wagging his tail
And can you just believe it
at nice people he barks without fail
They are restless all season
tails wagging for no reason

Never does he clean his fur
says he's always clean enough
I am sorry, but I beg to defer
Now us pussies, just look at us
we do it constantly and lovingly
and stay clean, cuddly and comely

Dogs look ingratiating habitually
while we turn up our noses regally
We are choosy about our food
they eat any scrap they could
We don't waste energy as we repose
dogs frisk aimlessly we suppose

Barking yapping and running
and disgusting bottom sniffing
They are ingratiating and sissy
we are restrained and classy
They may attract a few pats
But will never match us cats.

Grrrr so crude, so boorish
Purrr so refined, such polish
I say to all, long live the cat
And let us all drink to that

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