The Eagle

author:  mahengonsal
5.0/5 | 1

High above the mountains and dales
casting a moving shadow as he sails
Serenely gliding in the peaceful air
broad wide wings outspread with flair
Arrogant steely eyes that seek
with telescopic vision beamed on the meek
Surveying the land beneath for prey
disdainful expression, ready for the fray
performing elegant swoops with grace
his domain, his realm, his space.
Poise and magnificence acknowledged
Ruler of the skies, King unchallenged

Now begins soaring rapidly
becoming a distant speck swiftly
Time ceases for a moment
harnessing power dormant
Looms into view again,
a missile from heaven,
swooping down,
gathering speed,
bright shiny eyes focused,
chasing its hapless prey.
Descends on it ruthlessly
pouncing with its talons
in a blurred frenzy of motion.
No mercy, no distraction
the victim never had a chance
Rises majestically carrying its prey
disappearing into the heavens
Ruler of the skies, King unchallenged


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